Keradrop Sol Ophtalm. Fl 5ml


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Keradrop Sol Ophtalm. Fl 5ml


Hier vind je algemene en beknopte informatie over dit product. Deze informatie is geen medisch advies en omdat iedere persoon en iedere situatie uniek is, is het aangewezen om altijd gepersonaliseerd advies van je arts of apotheker te vragen voor je dit product gebruikt.

KERADROP® is a medical device composed of Glycyrrhizin with phlogolytique activity (capable of inhibiting the evolutionary process of phlogosis). KERADROP® also contains a specific heat-sensitive copolymer which, by coming into contact with the surface of the eye and forming a gel, is capable of providing a long-term moisturization and lubricity.

Usage tips::

Instill one or two drops in the affected eye, two or more times a day or according to medical advice.


Protect from heat. Close the bottle after use.

Use within 60 days after opening.


Dipotassium glycyrrhizinate, PEG / PPG copolymer, disodium EDTA, SOC (Stabilized Oxychloro Complex), buffer solution at pH 7.2.


KERADROP® is indicated for the symptomatic treatment (itching, foreign body sensation, redness) in the inflammatory ocular surface such as ocular discomfort syndrome, conjunctivitis and blepharitis, both in adults and in children.

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